How to make a complaint
Who should I contact if I have a concern with my child’s SEN provision or a general complaint?
Please discuss any concerns you have with us. We will always work hard to make sure we provide the best possible care and education for your child.
A meeting can be arranged with either the Associate SENDCo at Shadwell, (Mrs Pettitt), or the Headteacher (Mrs Ellis). For general complaints, please see our complaints policy below:
Our chair of governors will listen to and investigate your concerns. Email contact can be made with our chair of governors through the school office.
Alternatively any paper correspondence will be sent directly to the Chair of Governors.
Contact details:
Headteacher Shadwell - Mrs T. Ellis
Federation SENDCo Bramham - Mrs B. Ings
Associate SENDCo Shadwell - Mrs J. Pettitt
- Bramham: 01937 843682
- Shadwell: 0113 2732729